"This man has a message, and music is the medium with which he effectively conveys that message. What's more, it is a message born of darkness and sin, and so it is intended to be delivered in the dark places and to the sinners. A little direction for the lost. Some hope for the seemingly hopeless. A touch of salve for the wounded. A dot of light at the end of a long tunnel."
James G. Carlson, Examiner.com
"If one third of music was half this good what a world we'd have!"
David Fair (Half Japanese)
Neu im Regal:

Too Close To Heaven reissue on vinyl
“Too Close To Heaven”, presented for the first time on vinyl, with a limited press of 500 made. There are 250 available on what we are calling Excremental Gold, and 250 on Heavenly Blue.
Records will be $25 each plus exact shipping.
All records will come with a Dad Horse sticker and a “Turn the shit into gold” koozie.
Available only via Chain Smoking Records